Friday, January 15, 2010

Radiant heat. The comfort and a great Primary heat source.

 Radiant heat has been some what lost in the flooring industry. It is a fairley simple product to install and can be used as a primary source of heat or a secondary source. Radiant heat works with most floor finishes including ceramic,stone,vinyl,wood and carpet.
 It seems like a luxury to have but if you are putting new flooring in, it is a good idea to look into radiant heat.
 All Flooring uses Thermonet underfloor heating. Thermonet is a simple and fast installation. You can use 120v or 240v depending on the size of the area.
 Tired of cold floors the programable thermostat is a great addition to your heated floors. You can even have telephone access to the controller.
 There are a few benefits to haveing heated floors, the obvious is heat rises so in rooms with high cielings it is a momey saver. But not only is it a money saver. Thermonet doesn't use forced air to create the heat so no cleaning filters. or replacing parts.
 Most heated floors are basically a mat with a heating element running thru it.
 With the rising cost of fuel any room in the house can be heated for less than what you are paying now. So a warm floor is not a luxury any more.
  We have been installing heated floors inmost of our remodels, Kitchen floors,room additions, sunrooms and of course bathrooms.
 The radiant heating system can be installed on a concrete floor or on a wood subfloor. Siply lay out your mat then you are ready to trowel your tile thinset or for other flooring as little as 3/8" self leveling compoundand you are ready to lay almost any floating floor system and enjoy.
 Any questions give me an e-mail or visit my website for a link to Thermonet.


Hardwood laminate floors said...

Wood flooring should be laminated wood flooring instead of solid wood. This reduces the possibility of the wood shrinking and cracking from the drying effects of the heat.

Flooring Expert said...

Radiant heat is great for those winter days, and can be installed under just about any flooring products.

theflooringguy said...

Of course there is no proper way to install a 3/4" solid hardwood flooring over a heatmat type flooring because the wood needs to be nailed but a engineered wood flooring can be glued down over any type of substrate.

Anonymous said...

this post is very smart, all the information are exactly for what I really want to find.
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Ronald Hart said...

Also try floating flooring. It can be locked into place and doesn't need to be nailed down.

Den said...

thanks for sharing information about radiant heating. Radiant heating is newest technologies in heating industries. You can used this heating system in 120v or 220v in depending on the size of the areas.
Tile backer boards

Heated Timber Flooring said...

Nice article, thanks! I learn something new on blogs everyday and yours is stimulating and provides new ideas. Thanks and keep up the good work!

Flooring Store Dallas said...

It is very amazing post.

Anonymous said...

very good job!!!
Flooring Brick, NJ

Unknown said...

One common complaint about some underfloor heating kits systems is the slower heating time compared to other forms of heating - so a room or area can take longer to heat up, depending on the system, though it will also take longer to cool down. that's why our underfloor heating kits are the best.