Friday, December 11, 2009

Laminate flooring. Is it right for you?

With such a wide range of laminate flooring to choose from now a days, which one do you choose and what level of quality.
 Some of the better quality products can cost as much as a solid wood product, so check you local dealer for more info and sales.
 If you are looking for a near maintenance free floor, a laminate floor is a great choice. Laminate flooring is stain resistant and hard to scratch but not scratch resistant. No flooring product is scratch proof.

 Here are a few things to consider,  the cons first;
1) Laminate does not increase the value of your home.
2) Lower grade products do not stay together very long. So take a close look at the click system.
3) High moisture areas tend to make the seams swell and push the flooring apart.

The pro's;
1) It is a great floor for active families with children.
2) It is very stain resistant, nail polish or permanent marker can be removed with nail polish remover.
3) Easier floor to install than most.

 So MOST of the under $2.00 Laminate flooring products, won't last while your children grow up.
 There is also two types of laminate, High pressure and Direct pressure.
 To make it simple, a high pressure laminate has a higher impact rating and has a thicker top layer and has a smoother finish.
 A direct pressure has a thinner wear layer but can be embossed to feel and look more like wood.

There are a few differant rating systems and classifications that can get quite conflicting, so I suggest finding a local dealer and sales person whom you feel you can trust and has knowledge on the Laminate flooring and they should help. If not e-mail Theflooringguy, and I will be glad to assist.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I agree with you that there are no floors which are scratch proof. To be able to avoid scratches on your floor, it is advisable to put carpets. Our flooring in our bathroom is ceramic tile. Indianapolis, my current hometown, flooring services are very easy to find. Luckily, I found one. An expert gave me tips on maintaining the beauty of our ceramic tile. And also, here in Indianapolis, hardwood flooring is very popular.