Thursday, September 3, 2009

Stairs, Spiral carpet installation.

Early next week, I am going to be doing an installation of carpeting on a spiral set of stairs.
Now I have seen some of the videos on line and it looks like there may be some improper ways
being show.
In the near future I will have to show you two different ways to install carpet with padding.
One includes tackstrip, which is also called tackless strip, and the other uses an electric
tacker or also called a Dou-Fast stapler.
 And there are two styles of installation. One is called "Waterfall", and the other is called "Hollywood style"
Notice how the carpet "tucks" under the stair tread on the Holly wood style.
And the set of stairs below Waterfall over the stair tread.


Anonymous said...

Hi, Richard! What kind of padding should be used in installing? I'm planning to furnish our staircase. I postponed it until next week, though. I had to call these Orange County carpet cleaners 'coz I noticed several spots on the rug. It took me almost a month to find the best carpet cleaning in Orange County (CA), can you believe it! Anyway, hope to hear from you soon.

Carpet and Rug Cleaning said...

You can do the bulk of this work prior to going on-location, if your design is properly planned. Congratulations to you, you're really prepared, and the stairs aren't too large, then you can prefabricated it and installed it in one piece.

theflooringguy said...

Sorry for the delay, but i prefer felt for wool or for most anything else 3/8 8lb rebond. Some manufacturers recommend 80 oz rubber for wool.

Lyda Tavorn said...

Thanks for the tips! :) I just moved into my new apartment, and I was looking for ideas for a new carpet. I need to find a carpet type which is best for pets. Any suggestions?

Carpet Installation Pittsburgh said...

Awesome guidelines. I appreciate your effort in informing us readers the essentials of a brilliant carpet flooring.

ekhtsasy said...

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